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Assorted flowers bouquet


This is an example of Assorted Flowers delivered by us, we are only offering assorted flowers. So each assortment may be different according to which flowers are in season.  Save a little money from ordering from a florist, add to your Balloon or Yard Card order and check off all the boxes with one shop, one order all in one.   Please let us know if you would like us to knock/ring the door bell for delivery.  Otherwise we will leave it on the front porch/entry way.  We will take a photo of the delivery and send it to the customer for delivery verification.  We will also add a small personal note card, please let us know what you would like it to say.  If you are out of our service area, no worries we offer pickups with a scheduled appointment only.  Flower delivery times are 8am to 3pm or 3pm to 7pm unless delivered in combination with a Yard Card rental.

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